Green Hour
Green Hour provides a creative platform for effective awareness and offers an enormous opportunity to learn and practise different environment management as well as personal hygiene aspects. It moots an hour for environment and nature in every unit/chapter and individuals for propagating the news of clean and green city by practicing/learning/teaching the goodness of nature conservation, waste management, energy conservation, waste management and personal hygiene. It is observed once in a week.
Citing the example of MACFAST Green Hour on Thursdays 4PM-5PM, it consists of four stages.
Stage 1: Talk/Presentation of the day (Message)
The program starts with a talk – a 20 minute message by faculties/leaders/coordinators/ of each class/units on any of the environmental topics. The unit/chapter then discusses the practical implications and share their views on the topic individually.
Stage 2: Brainstorming of Ideas:
The members of the unit/chapter share any idea -new, innovative, impossible, or even seemingly absurd idea for effective environment management.
Stage 3: Tip of the Week:
The members then decide to consciously practise a specific tip – any clean and green action for the next week, and to be followed forever.
Stage 4: Self Reflection:
Clean and Green actions of the previous week would be shared aloud/read aloud by each member of the unit/chapter.
This interesting continuous exercise will muster a platform for developing certain good environmental practices among the individuals/groups which lead to a collective attitudinal change in the community.
Similar programs can be successfully conducted in schools/institutions/offices. Sometimes similar programs may not be possible in busy offices and service oriented firms. So they can utilize this time by designing various other ideas. For example individuals can listen and respond to the radio program, news papers can provide a space at the day for environment management program, display and distribute brochures/tips/leaflets on this aspect, industries/factories can switch off the devices or machines etc.
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