Wednesday, 25 May 2011

I owe to my community

I owe to my community
We are living in this world for a limited period and what measure ourselves are the time we spent here effectively and our contributions towards community. ‘To serve my community’ gives a purpose to life and a better ingredient to every human being.  Once, Howard Thurman said. “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” 

People around us are really in needs and it differs from person to person. The most crucial mission is to know the pulse of community and to be the pulse of the community. The quote best suits here, “when vision vanishes people perish”. The most important factor that I believe in service is ‘impart visions and missions for community’. Our works may vanish but our visions will exist forever and it will give life to people. 
While reviewing ‘I owe to my rural community’, some important areas that we should give priority are Education, health and environment.

Education enlightens people and it gives missions, visions and aspirations. If people get good education, our nation will get quality people that lead to the augment of human development index. This is the only solution to diminish poverty, unemployment and other severe crisis. When people know about their rights they start to live as responsible citizens. And while concluding, it is a need of this hour to create a developed India. 

So we can contribute by start adult literacy programs, giving training, capacity building exercises, mission imparting process to inculcate them to the right path of development. Children of today are the citizens of tomorrow and the effort we put for educating children is the most valuable task.
·         Adult Literacy Programs
·         Training, orientation and capacity building exercises
·         Vision and Mission imparting programs
·         Awareness
·         Village knowledge centre networks
·         Library
·         Counseling and guidance
·         Career guidance
The issues like under weight, stunt and malnourishment are the serious issues we are facing today. In order to achieve the dream ‘healthy mind in a healthy body’ we need to put more effort on this sector. It can be strengthened by implementing programs of state, central and different funding agencies. Along with poverty alleviation schemes, our attention should be to keep people away from diseases. So we can act as a moderator which makes people aware about the consequences of bad practices and the available programs and schemes to tackle issues.
·         Medical camps and check ups
·         Awareness workshops and seminars
·         Updating community on available schemes and programs
·         Poverty eradication activities
·         Personal hygiene exercises

We don’t have any life in the earth without a pristine environment and nature. The health of people depends on the quality of nature. But now we are the victims of our own doings. So now, the aspect environment should be our immediate agenda to ‘Save Our Earth’. Activities like tree plantation, water conservation and effective waste management, biodiversity preservation etc. are in utmost importance. This is the founding principle of Corporate Social Responsibility ‘something back to nature’.
·         Green school programs
·         Implementation of Micro level decentralized waste management
·         Local Sensitization Programs
·         Creative awareness
·         Make use of non-conventional source of energy
·         Tree plantation drive
·         Conservation of traditional verities

Rural India is really the soul and spirit of India and it gives vibrancy and diversity to our nation. In order to keep its liveliness, a planned movement is required. To lift people from poverty, to empower people with education and to raise environmental consciousness of society, we the young people India should get in to the field.

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